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Monday, Apr. 28, 2003

dont go...

I don't know what hurts the most, finally being able to say the words that have been held back for so long and the person you wanted to hear them the most says "yeah, whatever. I'm going to call my girl. Bye." or holding them in as long as I did while he stood there begging for me to smile. I'm sorry I'm such an annoyance and that I dump all my promblems on you when you have your own to deal with. I'm only guilty of loving you, loving the attention you bring with your beautiful smile. Why can't everything be back to normal when we didn't fight everytime we saw each other? Wipe my tears away, I need you.

Biggest promblem three is fixed, two and one are next. My tears have been shed, cuts have been bandaged, food has been eaten, I'm happier then I was this morning. I'm not getting better, this is all my fault. I want this to end so badly, but it can't. I can't face these things now, it hurts too much and cutting is the only thing that makes me forget about them for awhile.

amber163 at 7:58 p.m.

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