Monday, Oct. 26, 2015

We've been sewn together, we've been stitched up sound

Things that remind me of you:

1. Starbucks
2. Alcohol especially gin and pumpkin beer
3. Books especially vegan cookbooks like the one I got for your birthday
4. The Office, Orange is the New Black, Breakfast at Tiffanys
5. Salt & vinegar Pringles
6. Chopstix
7. The Yeah yeah yeahs especially Runaway, Subway, and Sacrilege
8. The Shins
9. Building furniture
10. Exercise in any way, even just the word exercise
11. French fries
12. White sunglasses
13. Blazers
14. Pillows
15. Bruises
16. My plaid shirt that I know you like
17. Fried eggs and plain toast
18. Tofu
19. Every inch of my apartment
20. Hand soap
21. Ripped jeans
22. Popcorn
23. M&Ms and Twix
24. Pumpkin seeds
25. Black tights
26. Mindy Kaling
27. 90s music
28. The glow of headlights at night
29. The coffee shop in Hastings
30. The brewery downtown
31. The lock screen on my phone (it starts with 8, right?)
32. Haircuts and freshly shaven faces
33. The word "kiddo" (it kills me) and "darling" and "kid" and "cheesy" and "clever" and "witty"
34. Lame jokes that I can't help but laugh at (see it's funny because... insert obvious answer here)
35. Walking outside in the wind or cold
36. "Tell me a story" or "tell me a secret" (and I do every time)
37. Leonard Cohen

I could go on for days

amber163 at 7:40 p.m.

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